Saturday, November 13, 2010

Catching Up on Photo-a-Day

In my previous life (you know, the other day) I'd have gotten all freaked out because I decided to do this photo-a-day thing and haven't been able to keep up with it for the past couple of weeks. But in my new "I'm being flexible and not so black and white about everything I put on myself to do" life, I'm catching up with what I can when I can. So here are the photos from the last week of October:

10/27 Kitty's new fancy fountain:

10/28 Stretching Kitty:

10/29 Meeting Darryl Worley:
10/30, Brunette:
10/31 Halloween Kitty! She's being scary by sleeping with her eyes open.
I'm working on the first two weeks of November...there will be fewer kitty and Heather pictures, more of what's going on around us!