Tuesday, June 26, 2012

99 Posts to the Blog in my Head, 99 posts to blog

I've had all these blog posts running around in my head for 25 days.

That's how long we've been home. Home in Texas.

I don't even know where to start.
So I'm just going to start and hope it doesn't get all crazy rambling.

Starting sometime in May, I began to try to capture things around me. From then until we were driving home June 1st I tried to make note (and take photos) of things we passed on the road I would likely not see again. I don't know why I would travel back to Kansas, and even if I did I don't know that I would notice things that I noticed daily (or frequently) while living there.

Here are some of those sights...

Miles and miles of farmland.
It's the Wheat State!

Entering I-70 from Exit 303 (returning from Manhattan) meant greeting the Combat Aviation Brigade aircraft fleet parked on the airfield.

Crazy Kansas weather made for really incredible sky sights.

Signs along I-70, and other KS highways letting you know: Every Kansas Farmer feeds 128 people...AND YOU!