Sunday, October 25, 2009


Beasley! She is our new little kitty and we already love her.

For your own sanity, please turn OFF sound. The camera is making a very annoying clicking noise throughout the video.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not Such A Bust!

Turns out, the Farmers Mkt was not such a bust after all. I made homemade applesauce with the 5 for $1 apples that I purchased. WHY, WHY, WHY did I not get 25 of them?! I only got 5, but with those I made about 2 cups of applesauce. I am kicking myself for not getting more apples, and for not getting photos of the apples, the process, and the finished product. Here is a little of the process and the finished product...

Pan after scooping out each batch. I used this Weight Watchers scooper because it measures 1/2c.
I put each scoop in the Majic Bullet blender with 1/4 tsp flavored sugar and whhzzzz, done!

How To:
I cored and peeled the apples (you don't have to peel, but I did) and boiled then simmered until soft in JUST A LITTLE water. The apples release water as they cook, so too much of it in the pot is NOT GOOD. I read this, then poured out water a couple times during the early stages of cooking. Then I cut the apples with a knife, just right in the pan, so they'd be smaller and fit in the scooper. I scooped out in 1/2 c increments so I could try my different flavors of sugar.

Looks way better than the individual cups of Motts, huh? and I'm bettin it's cheaper, and knowin it is more environmentally friendly! :) Verdict=I love it, Stephen...not so much. So, I'll be eating it all myself!

Saturday Such n Such

So much to say...

My new job, which I started Tuesday, promises to be very much like my old job. Different unit, different people, but essentially the exact same job. I'm happy about that. I loved the other one, and hope to love this one as well. I was so tired all week just because I'm not use to the schedule, yet. Oh, and because I had a night meeting for Stephen's unit, a social type thing, but was on my first day of work and was 7-9pm, and then I had to drive home in the rain. :( But I was driving my sweet new ride, so it was all fine.

Today I did some errands.
1-exchanged some shoes because the ones I got Monday were not as comfortable when I got them home as they were in the store. So, I went to Payless, and they did have some others, ones they didn't have Monday, but not in my size. The very nice lady called the store at the mall, and they held them for me.

2-went to the Farmers Mkt. It was a bit of a bust. No canteloupe, and that's what I really wanted. So I got 5 apples for $1. We'll see what I can whip up with those. (maybe going to try some applesauce).

3-got some coffee and a bagel at the littel coffee shop in town. It's supercute, about closet-sized, just two ladies in there going 90 to nothing with their gallons of milk, flavor syrups, whipped cream cans and coffee makers!

4-Going toward Manhattan, I stopped at the place we got the car to get the new radio put in. That took about 10 minutes, and then I moved on to
5-the mall. And that's where it all got crazy! It's been so long since I've been in a mall by myself with nothing but time. I got the shoes, and some $5 sunglasses! and then just looked around. I walked into the Merle Norman store. I really was just looking. But I ended up with a face full of makeup, after my complimentary steam facial, and walked out with just a couple of items.
So, I was going to show you a picture of the heavy make up the lady put on, but in finger-combing my hair, I captured a great shot of the RIDICULOUSNESS of this static electricity situation! Check it out!
and then here is the make up close up. It's a LOT of makeup!
that's about it for now. I wish you a happy/fun-filled/restful weekend! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Two-Car Family

We got a second car today! SO excited!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Seeing Red

I'd tell you I took this photo, but that'd be a lie. It is much better than any shot I could hope to get by running around the house trying to find the camera while this image vanished. So I don't even try. When I go to the back door to open or close the curtain, --that is to clothespin the sheet up or release the pin--I usually linger a few minutes. Just to watch the 1 billion crickets jump/fly in and out of the weeds and wildflowers, to scan the treeline for that bunny I saw our first week here, or to peer to the right to see if any other neighbors are out doing anything newsworthy. The last 3 or 4 times, I've seen at least one cardinal perched in a tree or flying tree to tree. I guess they are getting ready for the winter. As you probably already know, I am no fan of the bird species. But I can't help by smile every time I see that brilliant red against the dark green/yellowing leaves.

Photo credit:
Copyright: Mario Belanger (EOSF1) (23469)
Medium: Color
Date Taken: 2008-10-18

Friday, October 2, 2009


a JOB!!!! woohoo!

It is an FRSA job, same job I had in Germany...with a RAISE! :)