Sunday, October 25, 2009


Beasley! She is our new little kitty and we already love her.

For your own sanity, please turn OFF sound. The camera is making a very annoying clicking noise throughout the video.


Amy J. said...

Squeeee!!! A new baby! She so freaking cute - oh how I loves me some kittehs! Congrats on your new addition (love her name, too! Named after Pam?)

CG said...

There are few things on earth so sweet and fun as a new kitten. I kept the sound on and was rewarded by hearing her little, "mew," but you're right- that camera noise is awful! Welcome, Beasley!

Heather and Stephen said...

Turns out the camera is not going to continue making that noise. SB fixed it. "see babe? You had...I mean, IT SOMEHOW got on this setting..." LOL!
We do love her SO much. the cuteness factor is crazy! I LOVE that mew sound. WAY better than grown up kitty meooooow sound. Yes, after Pam. :)