Turns out, the Farmers Mkt was not such a bust after all. I made homemade applesauce with the 5 for $1 apples that I purchased. WHY, WHY, WHY did I not get 25 of them?! I only got 5, but with those I made about 2 cups of applesauce. I am kicking myself for not getting more apples, and for not getting photos of the apples, the process, and the finished product. Here is a little of the process and the finished product...
Pan after scooping out each batch. I used this Weight Watchers scooper because it measures 1/2c.
I put each scoop in the Majic Bullet blender with 1/4 tsp flavored sugar and whhzzzz, done!
I cored and peeled the apples (you don't have to peel, but I did) and boiled then simmered until soft in JUST A LITTLE water. The apples release water as they cook, so too much of it in the pot is NOT GOOD. I read this, then poured out water a couple times during the early stages of cooking. Then I cut the apples with a knife, just right in the pan, so they'd be smaller and fit in the scooper. I scooped out in 1/2 c increments so I could try my different flavors of sugar.
Looks way better than the individual cups of Motts, huh? and I'm bettin it's cheaper, and knowin it is more environmentally friendly! :) Verdict=I love it, Stephen...not so much. So, I'll be eating it all myself!
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