I've been thinking a lot lately.
About stuff. No, literally, stuff. Stuff and space.
We are moving again. From Kansas to Texas. We are two people and a cat.
And while I already had a lot of our things packed in large Rubbermaid-type containers, it took all day long, 9a-5p for 3 people (and about 4 hours in 2 more "heavy lifters" were added) to put all of our stuff in a truck. To be completely honest, they were VERY thorough. Every saucer, plate, cup, drawer of misc, framed photo, knick knack, etc., had to be wrapped in paper and boxed. Even the totes I had packed had to be wrapped in brown paper. Still. Looking at it all lined up on the sidewalk made me think...hoard much?! (Photo represents about 1/4 of what would eventually be carried out)

And I'm not a hoarder!
I am somewhere between keeping every card I've ever received and tossing everything not absolutely necessary. I think it's "normal".
But what's normal?

Yes, it is probably not necessary to keep this cup. But it's a memory of a Superbowl party with my fantasy football league. I found these on sale and bought one for everyone! I so loved them. Pretty sure the guys thought they were silly, but I didn't and don't care. :)
Anyway, that's not what I was going to say. What I was going to say was...How much is actually necessary? How much time do we waste on the stuff?
As I watched the movers load box after box after box of glassware, clothes, scrapbooks (there are never too many of those), I thought...Do I really want to unpack all this, only to repack in a year when Stephen retires from the Army and we move again to wherever his new job is?
Do I want to spend a couple of months getting the house all "set up" and then start putting it away?
That got me thinking about houses. Told you, been thinking a lot...
We went to visit the boyhood home of Dwight D. Eisenhower and his 5 brothers (6, but one died in infancy), mom, dad and for several years, grandfather. That's 9 people. NINE. In this house:

The two inside photos are of either side of the "living room" ALL members of the family would gather for Bible reading and family time. Guessing they sat on the floor and on one another's laps! The doorway into the other room was closed as that room was the most formal room and reserved for special occasions.

And this is how we are living right now. I think I'd like a little more than this. Furniture at least!
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