Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What 99?
wow.  6 months ago I had 99 posts running around in my head.  Wonder what they were about.  Wonder what I've been doing that I was too busy to post any of them.  Nothing, that's what.
Oh, a little something here and there.  I worked a lot November and December, and I've done a LOT of looking at houses and plans and thinking of the maybes and what ifs.  But since we've got no clue what we're doing over the next few months, all the planning in the world isn't going to get us there any faster.
I hope to soon post what is going on with us.  Right now, we wait.
Husband retires from the Army in June.  His last day in uniform is March 12.  He has 5 work days left between now and then if we don't count weekends, leave time or holidays. Five.  I still can't really believe it. I know he's SO ready, though!  So, we wait. Wait to find out:
Where will he work next? That will dictate where we will live.  Which will, in turn, dictate where I work.  The jobs will determine if we will rent or buy wherever we live and what the plan will be regarding building on land.
I'm hoping there will be a lot of posts in the coming weeks answering these questions!