Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm kind of sick to my stomach.

We didn't watch the Michael Jackson "memorial". In truth, I probably would have watched it just to see the other people singing. But Stephen had absolutely NO intention of it, and I really didn't care one way or the other.

But here's the thing. He wasn't Jesus. He wasn't even someone I would characterize as a stunning individual. But then I didn't know him. I'm not even going into crimes he has been accused of multiple times, he was never convicted and that is the measure of guilt in this country, so he is to be presumed innocent. But would YOU let him babysit your children? I wouldn't. But then, I didn't know him.

Neither did those thousands of people all over the world bawling their eyes out because he's gone. I might shed a tear when Olivia Newton John dies. Not because I know her personally, but because she was a huge part of my childhood, and is someone I have always had some kind of admiration/idolization/ crush on. But even Olivia's death won't make me fall on my knees bawling and sniveling. What IS that about?

Why are so many thousands of people worshipping this man? I'm not trying to be an unfeeling meanie. But I really think people are just a little bit over the top. Well...actually I think they are a lot bit over the top. I was just trying to be nice.


christy said...

I am SO grateful that we don't have TV, right now. I never did get the whole crying at the sight of him. And I don't get crying over his death either. If that makes me hard-hearted, so be it.

Facebook Freak said...

I think the reaction to MJ's death is a commentary on the power of pop culture over our society. Watch the national news one evening and count the number of stories that are really just entertainment. I find myself saying all the time, "that's not really news." There is a complete blur of what is real news and what is just entertainment fluff.

CG said...

I fear for the guy. I imagine him standing before God saying, "B..bbb...b...but I wrote Billie Jean! Man in the Mirror... Mama Se Mama Sa MamaKusa!" and then stepping up on his toes and yowling, "Hee!"

I know that probably sounds crazy, but I find it to be a terrifying thought. Makes me realize my need to rely on my own True Savior and not my pitiful works!

Jessica said...

Thank you! You took the words right from my mouth!!