Thursday, September 30, 2010


I forgot to tell you! He called at about 4:30pm today. He was just getting settled in Kuwait. 36 hrs. That's a looooong trip! I told him to get some rest, and he said he would and would also see about wifi at the local Starbucks! If they had it, he'd try to send an email. :)

Getting Through

So, in deciding to restart the blog with this adventure apart, I've had some thoughts/revelations. They are:

First, I thought that I'd keep it all sunshine and roses here. Stay positive. Be up! But then I thought that's not really real. I know there are going to be days that suck. I'd rather just be honest. That's not brutally honest, mind you. and real but not raw. There will be things that I think and feel and do that don't make it to the pages of this blog. But I won't blow a lot of smoke either.

Second, or is that secondly? Is it secondly if it isn't firstly? Mary? Anyway, my next note is that I've thought of something fun and I hope SB will like it. I'm taking a photo with my phone each day and emailing it to him. Not a giant long message or list of questions or comments or never-ending commentary about my day at work. Just a photo. Maybe with a clever name or caption or explanation. I hope he likes it.

Finally, I've come to the realization that as hard as the past day has been, it isn't even because I miss him. He hasn't even been gone that long. But that year looming ahead of me is overwhelming. I hope that once a few weeks have gone by and it is no longer a year I should be good to go!

Watch comes that sunshine!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Beginning of a Long Year

Today SB left for a year long deployment. I think I've done well with it. I mean, since he's been gone a whole 12 hours. I sat down to write this post, only to find that I don't really know what to say. So, here it is in pictures:

Kitty thinks maybe she can help out. "Can I go?"
Fooling around, getting in formation and being called to attention for the last time on Ft Riley.
I think this Soldier's gear and weapon are almost bigger than she is!
At ease. The Command Sergeant Major and Battalion Commander give a short speech to the Soldiers and Families.
After a talk about what lies ahead, and a confidence boost in the explanation that these few were hand chosen to go ahead of the larger group to prepare the way, they make their way to the bus.

This is my last in person look until R&R leave. I'm glad it's a happy one. I love you. mwah.