Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Old Dream Post

When it all comes together in a dream.

I don't think I'm under an extreme amount of stress right now. I mean, yes, my husband is in a war zone, and yes there are always some issues at work. But maybe my subconscious is a little more stressed than I realized. Or maybe not. I don't know what the deal is with dreams, but I woke up knowing just what's been on my mind.

In my dream, I was trying to find my way around the high school campus. I don't know why the high school specifically, but I often dream I am lost there. I think whenever I am feeling a little lost in my life I remember how big our high school campus was and how intimidating it was at first. I wonder, too if this isn't where my crappy sense of direction began. But that's another issue all together.

In trying to find my way, I was looking for the ID card office (of post). I guess it was post and the campus. (?) Anyway, since Osama bin Laden was killed, people have been saying that with the heightened security level on post that we will need to show two forms of ID at the gate. I've still only ever been asked for one, but I've also heard that the rule would be after 8pm when I don't come on post. I generally leave my ID in the car (not in plain sight) so that I'm not digging around in my purse as I come on post every day, and now I'm all discombobulated because if I have to get another form of ID out then I will have to dig through the purse!

So, I'm trying to find the office when the program manager of the FRSAs (not my boss per se, but someone who is kind of over me in that she coordinates the Family Readiness programs) and she is trying to get a meeting together. I have to explain to her that I'm the only FRSA still in my unit. One moved almost a year ago and has not been replaced (true), one is out sick indefinitely (true), one has been fired for causing drama (the drama is true but not the firing), one is out trying to decide what to do about her marriage (true, this has happened twice, for a week or two at a time) and one lives far away and it's raining (true). Maybe I'm scared it's all about
to fall in on me?!

Work drama in my dreams is also a fear of the unknown. All of our commanders will change in June. This means everyone's boss, and I not only deal with my boss, but some of the other bosses as well because I am at the brigade and they are in the battalions that are part of the brigade. Also I deal with all the others because of the above reasons. (not so much the rain one)

Also, in my wandering around I spotted some monkeys in a tree and everyone was making a HUGE deal out of it yelling, "but we don't HAVE those here!" I'm scrapping the Hawaii trip and the last thing I looked at before going to bed was a wildlife page I want to do, but I can't use any of the wildlife paper I have because there are animals depicted on it that do not exist in Hawaii. Monkeys being one of them.

Lastly, I was almost constantly eating and coming across couples who were making out. I think this is because I'm trying to lose weight in real life and in the dream I would get half way through a hamburger and then realize --oops! I wasn't going to be eating stuff like this!! And since there's no making out going on for the next 5 months, I'm essentially on a diet from that, too!
I wrote this (at work) May 9th and emailed it to myself to put on the blog. I guess I forgot.  Haven't had any weird dreams, or rather I haven't written any down since!