Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby if we try, we can ride across the sky!

I found this on the Frankfurt City Airport site when checking out our flight info.

its a keeper!

Hoping to see These!

They are Golden Ganzanias, prevalent in Valencia, Spain. The Indian Blanket of Spain!

In case I don't make it back before Saturday morning...

We will be here Saturday to Sunday. We fly into Madrid, then, on the right, Castello de la Plana is where we are staying, and we will drive to Barcelona, Valencia, etc . And that is all for vacation for a while. But there are some Spring/Summer day and weekend trips planned.

Photos from Garmish etc...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Moms visit 2008

I had the ugly cry going at the airport this morning. We took the moms to fly out after a 7 day visit. We strolled around out little town of Burstadt, then the larger city of Mannheim. Then we went to Garmisch, Germany and stayed at the Edelweiss Resort taking day trips to Munich, Innsbrook, the Neuschwanstein Castle, Dinkelsbuhl, and surrounding areas. We relaxed and visited and just had a really nice time. Here is one pic, and I will post a link to others as soon as I can get them up and captioned.

Missed y'all!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Out of the Area

We are here this week:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Job Front

Well...I don't think it's a big secret, I'm not loving my job or feeling as helpful as I was when I was working with familes. and....I have a second chance! My friend, Rebecca is leaving soon :-( and her job will be available. It is less money, but a chance to have "career status" in the govt system. That's a long, boring explanation. Anyway, I'm praying for a return to the Family Readiness Support Asst.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Stole this from a blog I navigated to from Jessica's. Please feel free to post it on YOUR blog with your answers!

5 things on my "to-do" list today:
1. Get up!
2. Go to work-main goal today is to clean out the conference room cabinet.
3. Cook dinner-that didn't go so well. Ground turkey is NOT ground beef and never will be!
4. Get some laundry going
5. Read during Family Guy/American Dad

6 Snacks that I enjoy:
1. ham lunch meat w/ cream cheese
2. Kettle Corn
3. chips
4. fruit
5. ice cream from the corner
6. smokehouse almonds

3 bad habits:
1. Nail biting
2. Hitting the snooze button
3. Excessive non work related internet usage at work.

5 Places I've lived:
1. Alvin, Texas
2. Austin, Texas
3. Pflugerville, Texas
4. Mannheim, Germany
5. Burstadt, Germany

5 Jobs I've had:
1. Weiners
2. ACC Daycare
3. 3 banks in Alvin
4. CWA
5. 72nd Signal Battalion

5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I prefer men's jeans most of the time.
2. I have a serious planner gene. Difficult to maintain when associate with the military. Also, most people DO know that about me.
3. I just counted and we have been enduring freezing temperatures (scraping ice off the windshield at least weekly) SINCE OCTOBER 17!!!!
4. I absolutely love that I remember my dreams most mornings.
5. I really can't believe I am goign to be 38 this year. Simply cannot believe it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Very Windy Day

We had some pretty serious storms last weekend. Here is what happened to our tree out front. We didn't realize how much we enjoyed that tree, and now it's pretty bare out there!

This was taken last summer. The tree got much bigger, but this is the only picture we had of it.

Split down the middle, and bent over in every direction!

Tree is laying in the yard. We saw the landlord and she said she'd have someone come over and cut it down. They did. And left it right there in the yard!

Monday, March 3, 2008

As the Euro falls...(said of course to the As The World Turns tone)

In November, I wrote about the euro to dollar exchange rate:

Here is a link to an article from 28 Feb 2008. As of today, it is down to .6397.

And in this showcase showdown...


Dog Days of Spring!

Today we said goodbye to our second doggie visitor, Jewels. She was a joy to have from Wednesday to Monday. She LOVED going outside constantly, and we are pretty sure her parents are going to be mad that she asks to go out every 10 minutes now. :)

Our first flowers are sprouting! It is indeed spring! Although snow is forcast tonight! argh!!!