Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Moms visit 2008

I had the ugly cry going at the airport this morning. We took the moms to fly out after a 7 day visit. We strolled around out little town of Burstadt, then the larger city of Mannheim. Then we went to Garmisch, Germany and stayed at the Edelweiss Resort taking day trips to Munich, Innsbrook, the Neuschwanstein Castle, Dinkelsbuhl, and surrounding areas. We relaxed and visited and just had a really nice time. Here is one pic, and I will post a link to others as soon as I can get them up and captioned.

Missed y'all!


carrmomma said...

This pic. reminds me of the pic. at the beginning of Friends. I don't know why, there aren't six of you and there is no couch or lamp. Just kinda made myself laugh thinking about it though. Great pic - everyone looks SO happy.
love ~kc

JBBGirl said...

Awe! That is hard to have to say goodbye to family. Won't be that much longer and you will hopefully be able to come home! BIG HUGS!