Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Stole this from a blog I navigated to from Jessica's. Please feel free to post it on YOUR blog with your answers!

5 things on my "to-do" list today:
1. Get up!
2. Go to work-main goal today is to clean out the conference room cabinet.
3. Cook dinner-that didn't go so well. Ground turkey is NOT ground beef and never will be!
4. Get some laundry going
5. Read during Family Guy/American Dad

6 Snacks that I enjoy:
1. ham lunch meat w/ cream cheese
2. Kettle Corn
3. chips
4. fruit
5. ice cream from the corner
6. smokehouse almonds

3 bad habits:
1. Nail biting
2. Hitting the snooze button
3. Excessive non work related internet usage at work.

5 Places I've lived:
1. Alvin, Texas
2. Austin, Texas
3. Pflugerville, Texas
4. Mannheim, Germany
5. Burstadt, Germany

5 Jobs I've had:
1. Weiners
2. ACC Daycare
3. 3 banks in Alvin
4. CWA
5. 72nd Signal Battalion

5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I prefer men's jeans most of the time.
2. I have a serious planner gene. Difficult to maintain when associate with the military. Also, most people DO know that about me.
3. I just counted and we have been enduring freezing temperatures (scraping ice off the windshield at least weekly) SINCE OCTOBER 17!!!!
4. I absolutely love that I remember my dreams most mornings.
5. I really can't believe I am goign to be 38 this year. Simply cannot believe it.


JBBGirl said...

I am gonna have to do this! Hugs! Will do!