Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Very Windy Day

We had some pretty serious storms last weekend. Here is what happened to our tree out front. We didn't realize how much we enjoyed that tree, and now it's pretty bare out there!

This was taken last summer. The tree got much bigger, but this is the only picture we had of it.

Split down the middle, and bent over in every direction!

Tree is laying in the yard. We saw the landlord and she said she'd have someone come over and cut it down. They did. And left it right there in the yard!


Anonymous said...

Well, you didn't ask them to take it away...
Now you need a sun umbrella.

JBBGirl said...

LOL! That is just great! What the heck are you gonna do with a dead tree in the yard? I sure hope they will take it away for you! Best wishes with that! Hugs!

Kris said...

Oh that is nice!