I got my old job back!! Actually, I got my friend, Rebecca's job. She and her husband PCSed. I left the battalion in October, for what I thought might be greener pastures. More $, a permanent position, etc. But as the Command Sergeant Major at 72d said, the grass is not always greener, and I miss the Soldiers and Families and the feeling that I am daily helping others to feel comfortable here, to thrive in Mannheim and in the military. So when I found out that the FRSA (Family Readiness Support Assistant) positions were going permanent instead of term, I went for it. I got an offer today, and told my current supervisors I will be leaving. I hate being a job hopper, but I know I should have never left.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
What about you?
i am: anxiously awaiting word about possible job change.
i think: a lot about how my life has changed over the past few years.
i know: that I love my husband and he loves me.
i want: a job working with people/soldiers and families.
i have: many scrapbooks that I love.
i wish: people would not wander around my office waiting for people who can easily talk for hours on the phone to get off and tend to them. COME BACK LATER!
i hate: confrontation.
i miss: my family and my friends. and America.
i fear: a house fire. and a deployment.
i feel: a deep appreciation for many things I didn’t use to.
i hear: a giant fly buzzing around in the florescent light in my office.
i smell: Stephens cheek in the morning after he shaves.
i crave: Texas BBQ & real Mexican food.
i search: song lyrics and words I’m not sure how to spell all the time.
i wonder: where we will live next, when we will go there, where after that?
i regret: taking the United States and all it’s goodness and faults for granted.
i love: my life!
i ache: for Texas and all that it is to me.
i care: about military families and what they go through.
i always: dream off the wall random things.
i am not: Olivia Newton John. And that’s okay.
i believe: in love.
i dance: with Stephen to The Office theme song every Thursday.
i sing: real loud in the car alone.
i cry: when I have PMS, when I miss Theo, and when I miss home.
i don't always: work at work.
i fight: the urge to roll my eyes at people who get on my nerves. At least until they are not looking at me.
i write: on the blog as much to inform others as to have a record of our lives.
i never: say never. well, rarely.
i listen: to people complain ALL THE TIME won't try to offer solutions.
i need: to get an exercise program going…
i am happy about: the fact that it is FRIDAY!
I am supposed to pass this on to five other people, but I stole it from Cara’s blog and now hope you will steal it from mine.
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 2:37 AM 2 comments
The PCS Season
Tune borrowed from The Ballad of Jed Clampett by Paul Henning
Come and listen to a story about a place named Post.
A military family got the call to vaminose,
Cause summertime's here and it's time to move along...
So you pack up all your stuff, and sing that little song.
Move that is, go now, PCS.
Well the first thing you know, all your friends are shipping out,
They're going to Ft Benning. It just makes you want to shout!
Another heads for San Antone, it makes you want to cry…
Movers loaded up the truck and we all said a good bye.
Later, that is. See you ‘round. Another post.
Well now its time to say hello to the new ones coming in.
And we’d like to help you settle, but not quite become your friend.
Cause it will be our turn, and I’m counting the days down,
I don’t know where we’ll go, but to some great US town!
America, that is. Home again. U.S. soil.
Y’all come back now, ya hear?
And just in case you were curious...The original Beverly Hillbillies Lyrics
Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.
Well the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire,
Kinfolk said "Jed move away from there"
Said "Californy is the place you ought to be"
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.
Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars.
Well now its time to say good by to Jed and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You're all invited back a gain to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality
Hillybilly that is. Set a spell, Take your shoes off.
Y'all come back now, y'hear?.
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 12:43 AM 3 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Stuttgart Scrappin!
While Burstadt had it's SpringFest, I drove about an hour and a half to Stuttgart Saturday for an all day/all night scrap-a-thon! I got on an email list when we first arrived because someone was having a weekend getaway scrap and it was advertised throughout several communities. I wasn't able to go to that, but then they all got together and got a website going and have scheduled some monthly crops. Since I was still on the list, I was sent an invitation to the board, and subsequently, the crops! I arrived at 11am and left at 8:30pm. It was 10a to midnight, but with the drive, I didn't want to stay too late.
The downside was that I had ordered over 300 pictures from skiing, the moms visit and the Spain trip that didn't come in in time. But the upside to that situation is that I had an unfinished album that I had started just before fostering, and had not added to very much since. Because T had his own book, and then the wedding followed with it's own, and then I started my Germany system with albums for everyday pictures and scrapbooks just for vacations, it was an unfinished mess wreaking havoc on my need for organization! SO, I got busy on that album and filled out pages and it is now finished and bound! I also made templates for all the pages for our ski scrapbook. It is a 7x7 (usually they are 12x12), so it was easy to know 1-2 pics per page and lay it all out. When those pics come in I can just stick them in there. And I am sure they will be in the mailbox Monday. Because that's just how it goes!
There is another one scheduled May 3. I hope to make it and have pictures in hand! :)
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 1:50 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
WHAT? We are our parents...
And in my defense, there were multiple answers to several questions for me...
You Belong in the Baby Boomer Generation |
![]() You fit in best with people born between 1943 and 1960. You are optimistic, rebellious, and even a little self centered. You still believe that you will change the world. You detest authority and rules. Deep down, you're a non conformist. |
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 2:06 AM 2 comments
Not sure I agree with this...
You Are a Cashew |
![]() You are laid back, friendly, and easy going. Compared to most people, you have a very mild temperament. You blend in well. You're often the last person to get noticed. But whenever you're gone, people seem to notice right away! |
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 2:03 AM 0 comments
You Are Bare Feet |
![]() Even wearing shoes can be a little too constraining for you at times! You are very comfortable in your own skin. You are one of the most real people around. You don't have anything to hide. Open and accepting, you are willing to discuss or entertain almost any topic. You are a very tolerant person. You are accepting and not judgmental. You should live: Somewhere warm You should work: At your own business, where you can set the rules |
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 2:01 AM 3 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A week later...
Well...we made it through the dreaded "week after vacation". It snowed and rained all week long. But today is GLORIOUS SATURDAY! It is finally sunny!! Still a little chilly, low 50s maybe? Stephen is playing golf and I am picking up around the house, doing some laundry, reading some magazines and getting ready to go to the store.
Have a great weekend!
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 3:46 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Three Hundred Eighteen
Pictures from the Spain trip!
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 6:28 AM 2 comments
Just realized I can get on the blog from work again!! woohoo!
I have a ton of catching up to do at work (that I don't feel like doing) so I'll have pics on soon!
Glad to be back to our home away from home, kind of. Except that it was 36 degrees this morning, rain/snowing on the way to work, high expected...46. Bummer.
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Greetings from Spain!
HEY! We are in Cheers bar in Playa Romana, Spain! Just a quick hello and we are having a great time. Hope all is well with you and yours!
Heather and Stephen
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 5:27 AM 2 comments