Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stuttgart Scrappin!

While Burstadt had it's SpringFest, I drove about an hour and a half to Stuttgart Saturday for an all day/all night scrap-a-thon! I got on an email list when we first arrived because someone was having a weekend getaway scrap and it was advertised throughout several communities. I wasn't able to go to that, but then they all got together and got a website going and have scheduled some monthly crops. Since I was still on the list, I was sent an invitation to the board, and subsequently, the crops! I arrived at 11am and left at 8:30pm. It was 10a to midnight, but with the drive, I didn't want to stay too late.

The downside was that I had ordered over 300 pictures from skiing, the moms visit and the Spain trip that didn't come in in time. But the upside to that situation is that I had an unfinished album that I had started just before fostering, and had not added to very much since. Because T had his own book, and then the wedding followed with it's own, and then I started my Germany system with albums for everyday pictures and scrapbooks just for vacations, it was an unfinished mess wreaking havoc on my need for organization! SO, I got busy on that album and filled out pages and it is now finished and bound! I also made templates for all the pages for our ski scrapbook. It is a 7x7 (usually they are 12x12), so it was easy to know 1-2 pics per page and lay it all out. When those pics come in I can just stick them in there. And I am sure they will be in the mailbox Monday. Because that's just how it goes!

There is another one scheduled May 3. I hope to make it and have pictures in hand! :)


carrmomma said...

I am so so so PROUD of you for your driving and only getting lost a few times! :)
You've come a long way baby!

JBBGirl said...

OMGOSH! That sounds SOOO FUN! I LOVE to scrapbook! That reminds me I have lots of organizing to do! That is so neat that we have yet another wonderful thing in common! That is great to hear you were still able to get stuff done even though the pics hadn't come in. Hope you have fun at the next one! HUGS!

Heather and Stephen said...

:) thanks! and you know how I am with directions...but I did good!! :)

Do it Jessica! You'll be so glad. It's great to get back into. and the pics are in! Look out May 3 crop!