Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One of the list topics

I know on Monday I gave you a list of things about which I planned to blog. I'm still not really finding the time. But here is the story of the duck family.

For about a week, maybe longer, there was a large duck just hanging out on post around the thrift shop, DFAC, chapel, 44th ESB area. He was cute, looked out of place, but not crazy weird as there are a lot of bunnies on post this time of year as well.

Monday, we were driving in and Stephen said, "oh look, that's why he's been hanging around." I didn't see what he was talking about, so he made a U-turn and drove back by. There was dad duck with mom duck and all their little babies!! SO cute. I grabbed the camera and took a couple of pictures. They aren't great because we didn't want to get too close and scare them. I've seen them a few more times and even go out of my way to drive by their "quacking grounds" in hopes of catching a glimpse.