Monday, May 17, 2010

New Leaves

I'm about to be 40. Is that too old to learn a new trick? Too set in my ways to turn over a new leaf? I'm hoping not. I've been spending some time thinking about some things, and it's time to make some changes. (I'm starting by not obsessing about the fact that I just used the word "some" three times in the last sentence.)
I am who I am and I like who I am. I need for there to be some semblance of order and structure and planning to feel at peace in my life, that is okay. What isn't okay is for me to miss out on what's happening because I'm too busy trying to plan the next thing, organize the now, or complete some task or schedule I have put on myself.
I'm going to stop (read: make an honest to goodness, sincere effort to stop) feeling like I have to blog about everything that happens. I like to blog. I like to look back and see where I've been, what I've done, who I've done it with. (not IT, you know what I mean!) But it's not fun for me to pull up the blog, note the date, and then get mad at myself because it's been a week, a month, or longer. I'm letting go of that. I'll blog when I blog and scrapbook when I scrapbook and stop making it a chore instead of a fun hobby.
I made this resolution at the beginning of this year: 8. Only buy, keep and do things that are beautiful, useful, or bring me joy.
With that, I'm also letting go of thinking that if I am within 150 miles of anyone I know I must see them. This is going to be a little tougher because it DOES bring me joy to see people. I like people. I'm accused of being friends with everyone, and I'm not even going to try to deny it. I like catching up with people and knowing what's up with them. But it can't be at the expense of my sanity. And some of this is me being worried someone will be hurt, but when I really think about it, I realize that I just want to see everyone and there aren't enough hours in the day and days in the weeks of vacations to do it. I'll just have to start making some choices and visiting who I can, when I realistically can.
and then maybe I'll have more time/inclination to blog about it! :)