and up through Nov 14:
Me and my uncle Dale. (taken Christmas 2009), he passed away 11/1.

11/3 Flying out of Manhattan, KS

11/4 - Me and Baby Kenzie
11/5 Snicker Doodle. At the Baptist Temple church after Uncle Dale's funeral.
11/5 - Also at the church lunch. I love these signs.
11/6 My Aunt Paulette and her friends Judy and Sharron. I took a lot of these, and this one cuts off Sharron's head, but I LOVE that my Aunt Paulette is laughing it up like one can only do with her nearests and dearests.
11/7 Sweet, sweet baby Kenzie!
11/8 Cousin Fun!
11/9 - Photo found of preteen hottie! :)

11/10 Tell tale sign of the valley, the trademark palm tree.

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