Friday, March 11, 2011

Sardines/Mission Banner

Imma go ahead and make this just one post with several topics. And while it's not in the title, imma start with the slang "imma". I am not one who likes incorrect spelling or use of "text speak" in regular correspondence. I don't even care for text speak in text messages.

Urban dictionary says: Used in place of "I am going to..." Technically should be spelled i'mma but since this is a shortened version, we leave out the apostrophe!
and "imma", when used, implies either redneck blood, or an idiot.
At any rate, I have a love/hate relationship with this term. I guess the little bit of redneck idiot in me just can't help but love saying "Imma move on to the next topic."

Sardines. We are packed in that building we have the redeployment ceremonies in like sardines. For the smaller groups, 100-150 Soldiers, it's not so bad. But it starts to get pretty packed after that, and as more and more Soldiers came home, more and more came to the ceremonies to see their friends return. The second to last one, Wednesday night, was ridiculous. People wall to wall, and people standing in front of people who got there early enough to get seats. It was terrible! Tomorrow is the very last one. AND it has the colonel and command sergeant major. So although the # of Soldiers returning is a slight 100, the fact that 2600+ are already back, VIPs will want to be there to see the return of the COL/CSM, and its at a decent hour on a weekend...I fear we might be in the roll top can! But at least it is the VERY LAST ONE! Yaye!!

Last comment for today...a few ceremonies ago a lady had a banner that I thought was pretty cute. But pretty cute for putting up in our home. Not so much holding high in a ceremony also being attended by a few hundred people including elderly people and children. It said:

SPC Something
Your Next Mission

and was held by a woman with a tshirt that read something like: it's about time you got back, now take care of your wife. ---something like that.

Cute, funny, clever? Yes, but not appropriate in that setting. In my opinion and that of many others who commented to me about it.

ok, I've saved the best for last. Tomorrow...FAKE BABY!