Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Little Bit Unsettling

So, someone mentioned to me today that they had been "surfing the internet" and came across some photos of me. WHAT? Yeah, the 365 project. OK. Remember a few months ago when I was going to take a picture every day for a year, the whole time that Stephen's deployed? Well...I quit 95 photos in. But I had my full name on my project.

Anyway, it kind of creeped me out, so I thought I'd google my name and see what came up. This is where I became even more unsettled. On the first page there were links to my bffs' blogs, one because my name was on it and one because I commented and my google id says my whole name. Then there was my FRSA facebook page, I don't care about that, it's completely public and I don't post private info on there. Then an article in which I was quoted (and misidentified) regarding an event for spouses of deployed Soldiers. A couple of and identity search type sites were also there. But here's what's really weird...I saw a link with my name among many others so I clicked it. It went to a newsletter for our electric company. Its a coop, but it isn't as though we CHOSE this company to "coop" with. It's the one our apt complex uses. Right there on the "newest member" list was my name. I just think that's weird.

I'm not freaking out, not withdrawing from society, shutting down facebook, trying to get off the grid. But I do wonder how long that would take, to get off the grid. Or if it's even possible at this point. I try to live in such a way that I wouldn't be THAT mortified if my whole life were on the internet. Most days I think I do okay. I don't really think I'm interesting enough to cause much of a stir.

Of course, it's encouraging to know that I'm apparently also a runner who lives in Ohio! ;)


carrmomma said...


when i googled you, it was mabelbakes blog/fb.

runner in ohio. good.