I'm probably going to have to go with Criminal Minds on the favorite TV show question. I just love it. I DVR it constantly and can tell the minute it begins which episode it is. I record so many that if I'm sick of one there is usually another waiting. I also currently love The Office, Parks and Recreation, Law and Order SVU and Oprah Behind the Scenes. (and this week, Shark shows on the Discovery Channel.
When I was little it was the
Brady Bunch. I just love love loved that show! Same thing on the first minute of the show kn
owing the episode.
Growing up it was all those 80s family shows: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Growing Pains. For a brief period (9th/10th grade) I loved Miami Vice. Pitiful. The 90s were Seinfeld and Friends and then began the Law and Order franchise. I started with the original, then moved on to SVU and Criminal Intent. CI was my favorite first, but when I tired of it I fell for SVU and it stuck..
While in Germany we watched what AFN had to offer: mostly reality shows.
While in the hospital in 2006 I watched, almost exclusively for over a week, what I called geriatric television. It was just nature scenes and slow music. Anything else was too stimulating for my fragile state!
I guess it very often depends on what is available. Thankfully, the invention of DVR has provided me with more options than is probably healthy! Gotta go, Criminal Minds is on! ;)
I love the movie. I love the soundtrack. I loved it in German! I loved it at 8, 18, 28, 38, and I'm sure I will love it at 48. As horrible as it was, I even kind of loved Grease 2. That's a lotta love for one movie.
I think it probably seems a little silly. I like a lot of other movies that are more grown up/mature. The Shawshank Redemption, Runaway Jury, Steel Magnolias, all of which have come up on a recent Facebook challenge, but there is something special about Grease. I always wanted to be Olivia Newton John. I wrote a letter to John Travolta in 3rd grade. Got a postcard back in 6th grade. It's how I always hoped high school would be. It wasn't, but that's what movies are all about. Living a little bit in the not-so-real world. And being able to sing along!
I found this answer to my blogging stall on my cousin Kristy's Blog! It's a challenge of 30 days of blogging topics. If you've known me for more than a minute, you know that it just might kill me not to do all 30 days at once, but I won't! Here is day one:
Your Favorite Song - Drift Away by Dobie Gray
This is probably the very first song I remember. A quick google/wikipedia search told me that he recorded it in 1973, so I was just a toddler when my parents were listening to it. I've always loved it. The words, the tune, the beat. Gimme the beat boys, and free my soul. I want to get lost in your rock and roll and drift away...
From the very first note I know. That's my song!! Uncle Kracker recorded it in 2003 and I actually love that version, too. And it made me so happy that it got a lot of radio time when it came out again!
When I was just out of high school, I would hear this song and for whatever reason, I could NEVER remember who sang it. In my sometimes tipsy state of mind I would find it completely appropriate to call my dad and ask. This probably only happened once, but it seems like several times because it is so ridiculous.
"Dad, you know that song about floating down the river?"
"you know, that we always use to listen to when we were little?"
"River? You mean drift away?"
"Yeah, that's it!!"
The conversation ended with dad making sure I was safe. "you are home, then? in for the night?" :)
so...it's been over a month since I posted. I guess I'm just not in the blogging mood lately. Sorry! I like to blog when I'm into it. For whatever reason, I'm just not into it lately. Maybe I'll be back soon. I hope so.