I'm probably going to have to go with Criminal Minds on the favorite TV show question. I just love it. I DVR it constantly and can tell the minute it begins which episode it is. I record so many that if I'm sick of one there is usually another waiting. I also currently love The Office, Parks and Recreation, Law and Order SVU and Oprah Behind the Scenes. (and this week, Shark shows on the Discovery Channel.
When I was little it was the

Brady Bunch. I just love love loved that show! Same thing on the first minute of the show kn
owing the episode.

Growing up it was all those 80s family shows: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Growing Pains. For a brief period (9th/10th grade) I loved Miami Vice. Pitiful. The 90s were Seinfeld and Friends and then began the Law and Order franchise. I started with the original, then moved on to SVU and Criminal Intent. CI was my favorite first, but when I tired of it I fell for SVU and it stuck..

While in Germany we watched what AFN had to offer: mostly reality shows.
While in the hospital in 2006 I watched, almost exclusively for over a week, what I called geriatric television. It was just nature scenes and slow music. Anything else was too stimulating for my fragile state!

I guess it very often depends on what is available. Thankfully, the invention of DVR has provided me with more options than is probably healthy! Gotta go, Criminal Minds is on! ;)
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