Dec 1 - Fond memories...Oh NO! Mr. Biiiilllll!

Dec 2 - My favorite fabric of all time. Denim.

Dec 3 - Birds on a wire

Dec 4 - Birds, wire, moon

Dec 5 - Ice shavings left when window goes down in the morning

Dec 6 - Sweet Sign

Dec 7 - My all time favorite sculpture. The Kiss, by Auguste Rodin (photo courtesy of my brother. Thank you, Wade!)

Dec 8 - Birthday Boy! - with a mustache!

Dec 9 - Frozen water. I left my 1/4 full glass (or is that 3/4 empty?) of water in the car over night. When I got in the car to leave for work the next morning, I picked up the glass, in turn-in-over-like-a-blizzard-at-Dairy-Queen style.

Dec 10 - Frozen water faucet

Dec 11 - Ice Skate. I've done this before, it was much easier then. I'm claiming "skates too loose."
Dec 12 - Deprived.

That last pic needs to be your fb profile pic for a week.
Awesome. And, we have some wires down the street from us that have CRAZY psycho birds - thousands of them - every morning and evening at dawn and dusk. It's completely nuts, and more than a little creepy!
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