Again...falling behind and catching up!
12.20 Stephen in the fancy chair. He sent this to me. He's so cute.
12.21 - Christmas post card. Merry Christmas from Iraq and Kansas!

12.22 - Christmas tree. FREE from Trees for Troops!
12.23 - Stephen made this Christmas card. He found it hilarious. Too bad I'd already sent out the others.

12.24 - White Elephant gifts and black and white kitty. Who wants to trade?
12.25 - Christmas with the family
12.26 God Bless - My friend, Joy gave me this ornament/window decor and I just love it.

12.27 Brutha - My brother chillin on my couch. I love him.
12.28 WDB! I know this is hard to see. Just know it means I'm in the running to win the Frenchie Rules Football League World Domination Bowl! :)

12.29 End Call Button - I took this picture after having to hang up the phone with Stephen. It was actually taken a few weeks ago, and I was on the fence about sharing it. This is as raw as it gets. Luckily the last one of this post makes up for it!

12.30 Peek a Boo Kitty Boo Beasley

12.31 Sunny Day! Last day of 2010, the sun was shining and it was SO warm and cozy!

See you next year! :)
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