Friday, May 9, 2008

If you read this blog...

but you don't comment, please let me know. I am planning to do something soon and need to know who all is reading it. If you comment regularly, and/or YOUR blog is featured in the sidebar, I know to include you.

also...reading through old posts...I sure use to post a lot more! I'll try to get better about that...



Medium Rare Please: said...

I'm here! At least when I don't have too many tests.

Heather and Stephen said...

You are already on the list, dear. And after I thought about it, it kind of seems like a silly idea. But we'll see...

Elizabeth Reimer said...

Heather, Please include me in your change, I enjoy your blog, read often and always keep you and
Stephen in my prayers and heart. You are the daughter of my heart, the one I chose.
Elizabeth Reimer

Heather and Stephen said...

I had no idea! I'm so glad you read it! I'm not changing anything, just had a thought of doing something to thank the readers. :)

mrskipj said...

I love your blog, I just don't often comment because I am basically lazy I guess. Too much trouble to actually sign in. haha.