Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How's THAT for fair?

So, the Army gives us a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) because the cost of living is so high over here. Now if we want to shop and live and breathe and buy anything and everything for three years at one grocery place, one department store type place (and I use that term VERY liberally), 3 fast food places and 2 restaurants, 1 movie theater that plays about 2 movies per week, and a bowling alley, fine. But you know everyone is on your case and it's truly a wasted opportunity if you don't get off post and experience some of Europe. Even just Germany! So we do. Enter "cost of living".
We are also provided with Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) if we do not live on post. We do not, so we do. When we got here, our OHA completely covered our housing. Since the dollar is in the toilet (down 20% today from what it was when we got here), we currently pay some out of pocket. Fine, we'd pay more to not deal with on post housing.
But here is my gripe...We were getting x amount of COLA. Then the dollar rose from .62 to .70 for LESS THAN A WEEK. "ha! a trend! The dollar is getting stronger!!" Headlines in the paper and emails gone wild "be aware, COLA rates drop, your mid month paycheck will reflect the lesser COLA amount, and my favorite: Remind your Soldiers and Family members that the 100 euro that use to cost them $162, now only costs $151!!" mmmm, grreeeaaat.

This week? yeah, back to .65. Can I get my COLA back now? oh, no, we can only raise and lower COLA rates quarterly or some such. *EYE ROLL*