Just so you know, Harry Potter mania is alive and well in Mannheim. We went to a Hail and Farewell dinner Friday night and when we got back to the PX where the truck was parked we saw this sign:
They were opening the bookstore at 1030, having trivia, and then selling the books at midnight. It was 9pm and people were already arriving to wait.
I'll have to find out if they sold out, and if so, how quickly.
The dinner was really kind of cool, on an old street car and we toured the city for a couple of hours. See pic to the right.
Hope you had a great weekend. We did a lot of scrapbooking and computer game playing, bill paying, house cleaning, lawn mowing and sleeping. It was a great weekend!
One of my pastors, Voddie Baucham, posted on the Harry Potter release as well. Here's the link if you're interested.
I know that AJ was in the line at midnight to get her copy! We'll wait til the hype dies down and then run out to get ours. The kids are all really excited. What a great adventure J.K. Rowling has sent us on! I am happy to say that we have 'family' read all of the books - what a great great thingt to do together.
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