Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weekly Recipes

I am starting a new thing. One new recipe each week. This week was pork tenderloin with peach glaze. We didn't love it. It was ok, we ate it, but probably won't make it again. It's a lot of trouble and just not in love with it, so not really worth the trouble. (esp since SB won't eat the peaches that go with it. I did, even though it was HOT FRUIT!)

This blog feature will normally be accompanied by a photo of said recipe, but I didn't get around to taking a picture of the food before we ate it last night, so no pic this week.

As you may know, I have a little bit of a problem with magazines. I love them. Real Simple, Good Housekeeping, Oprah, First, Redbook, Family Circle and sometimes Glamour. Whenever we are at the commissary or PX I pick one up. This is where I will be getting the recipes.

The pork tenderloin was from Good Housekeeping.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Trying new things!

dwl said...

what's next...wet bread?!


Facebook Freak said...

Hey there...I'm finally leaving a comment! Perhaps it's because I too am a recipe and magazine junkie. Will love to hear which recipes work for you--or more importantly, which ones SB will actually eat. Better Homes & Gardens also has good and easy recipes.

Kris said...

please send along any good ones. I love trying new things!

CG said...

Yeah, right up our alley! I highly recommend the foodtv website for new recipes. You can read ratings and comments for before you try them- They've yet to steer me wrong!