Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Old Friend FOUND!

With the recent reunion and buzz on Facebook of the AHS Class of 88, reconnecting with old friends has been really great! I ordered a directory from the reunion people and in it (when it FINALLY GOT HERE-reunion 6/5, directory arrived 8/5.) I FOUND an old friend who was near and dear to me in high school. She worked at the dreaded Taco Bell with me (remember Albert and Chippy and Ron??) where she tailored her hideous polyester uniform to taper at the ankle. Ever the cool girl! We also had drivers ed together, I had a crush on her neighbor, another classmate, and I think she drove an older model mustang when she was working at the mall. Is that right? We were in the play Our Town together, and went to many drama tournaments our Soph/Jr years. Anyway, as often happens, we drifted and haven't seen or heard from one another since just a few years after high school. I'm so glad to have found this link.



Anonymous said...

How awesome!
Hey Neata!

JBBGirl said...

That is so great! It is so neat to see how the internet has been such a great resource to keep people in touch and connected. I love that!