Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, all over Facebook right now, people are coming up with 25 random things about themselves. Some are deep, some not so much, but most of them are at least semi-interesting to read. So, my friend Laurel decided to put a little spin on it. She posted 12.5 things on her blog, and then challenged her readers to ask her 3 questions and she'd answer them to make up the rest. Then, she gets to ask that person 3. Here are the 3 she asked me:

1) With moving back to the States, what do you hope is around the next bend in the road?
We hope that Stephen will be accepted to the National Defense Intelligence College. If so, we will go to Washington DC for a one year school term and three year job committment. If not the school, I have no idea. As long as it is in America, I'm cool with it. (the lower 48. Not Alaska or Hawaii!) I hope to find some kind of job in the government system before we go or soon after we arrive.

2) If you could narrow down to one lesson that you gained from living in Europe, what would it be? This one and the next are SO hard. Stephen says this one is "stay right." He is referring to the crazy 200 mph drivers in the left lane! I think my biggest lesson is not to take so many things for granted that you've had all your life. And together we said the travel opportunities are amazing, so the lesson there is live right now and make smart choices. We only had 3 years to travel all we could. We had Army furniture with the exception of a bed, a card table and chairs and a kitchen island cart. But who spends money on furniture when you can go to Spain, Prague, France, etc instead?!

3) What do you miss most about Austin?
What I miss most about Austin is friends. What miss most about America is friends and family. If you don't count people, it is convenience. Stores open on Sundays, and past 3pm on Saturdays! Decent weather (I know that's not all over America, but it is in TX! even when it's pretty hot!) most of the year, so you can get out and do things, having things right then and right there. You can't buy medicine, even an asperin, anywhere but the pharmacy. There are stores like Walmart, but they don't sell medicine. And they CERTAINLY aren't open 24/7! They do, however, sell beer and wine. everywhere! Also things you never think a watch battery. Stephen tried to get a battery for his watch yesterday at the PX on post, where he bought the watch. nope. they don't have any. well...then no watch.
I know you were asking for one thing...but gosh, there are so many. Mexican food, BBQ, sunshine and summer for longer than a couple months, clothing sizes and money and brands we've known all our lives.

Thanks Laurel, good questions! :)

Comment with your questions, and "interview me" to get some directed to you!