This was going on in Burstadt.
Stephen called when I was at lunch to see if I had the camera. I did. Oh-because there is a fire. WHAT? There was a fire down the street from our house. I don't know who, if anyone was living in the house, but it was a pretty serious fire. 7 fire trucks showed up from Burstadt and at least 3 neighboring towns. I'll try to do some captioning so you can see where this was happening in relation to our house.This is taken from outside our fence that borders this pking lot (parkplatz) where we park our cars.
All of these firemen are across the street from our front door, on the side of the street where the fire is, but it's toward the behind of the camera.
This stucco building is the one you see in the top picture at the far edge of our pking lot.
Fire hose shooting up at house.
Fire hose and spectators.
See the fireman behind all the smoke?
Toting the ladder down the block. See? Maybe make those streets a little wider?!
Firemen in the bucket. Poking at the house to see if there are remaining embers.

Lady peeking out at the commotion.

Tiles that have been broken and fallen from the roof.

This is our neighborhood ice cream store man!

Mobile Fireman supply house.

Taken from our front gate.

I just left this one in for comments. It is taken from our gate looking away from the scene of the fire. See the building at the end of the street? The ice cream shop is just to the left. They just reopened, been closed for the winter. See the walker? Some old lady has walked (in 30something degree weather) to her hair appt. Where you see the grate in the sidewalk and then the pipe and then the doorway...the doorway is our garage.
Firemen in the bucket. Poking at the house to see if there are remaining embers.
Lady peeking out at the commotion.
Tiles that have been broken and fallen from the roof.
This is our neighborhood ice cream store man!
Mobile Fireman supply house.
Taken from our front gate.
I just left this one in for comments. It is taken from our gate looking away from the scene of the fire. See the building at the end of the street? The ice cream shop is just to the left. They just reopened, been closed for the winter. See the walker? Some old lady has walked (in 30something degree weather) to her hair appt. Where you see the grate in the sidewalk and then the pipe and then the doorway...the doorway is our garage.
That's very scary with the houses so close and streets so narrow.
I would have been FREAKING out. So how did Steve get the pictures if you had the camera?
yeah, that was my concern. So many homes are attached. And when they aren't attached, there might be 15-25 feet between them.
I called back and reminded him we had an old camera in the junk cabinet! It worked pretty good. :)
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