5:30am-awaken to kittyboo pawing at the blinds.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Today's schedule
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I cannot fathom that it's only been 27 days. And at the same time, I'm already getting tired of that photo-a-day great idea I thought I had 27 days ago. I'm not tired of doing it. I'm tired of Stephen not looking at them. In his defense, he didn't have his computer until today (and I don't know if it is connected and working yet) and he's been working 7 days a week from about 7 or 8am to 9 or 10pm. That's too much. So I get it that he doesn't have the time or energy to borrow someone's computer to look to see a photo of the cat, a sunrise, or whatever funny, cute, or interesting random thing I felt photoworthy on any given day.
So, I've stopped sending them. I'm going to start sending them weekly, at least until he is up and running and requests that they be changed back to daily deliveries. I'll be sending them by posting them here because I think that is easier for him to look at than downloading each and every one. Why didn't I think of that sooner? Oh, that's right. It IS sooner. It's only been 27 days.
Tired, fat kitty boo (10.22)
Me with Chris and Mary's cat Alex, who is not interested in cooperating in the photo shoot. (10.23)

New sandwich maker! (10.24)

Beautiful sunrise (10.25)

New egg pan that I dearly love. Look how cute it makes the eggs stay small enough for the bread. AND I can flip it! (10.26)

Posted by Heather and Stephen at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
English/Grammar/Pronunciation/Vocabulary Irritation
I know this is crazy. I know I'm being rude and a little bit ridiculous. But I am not being an elitist.

Posted by Heather and Stephen at 7:16 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Call Day!
So...I hope this doesn't become a "he called today" blog. But Stephen called! (yesterday). It's been hard for him to call or email because he doesn't have his computer and he's been busy doing inventories and...well...killing mice. I guess there were a couple residing in his detention facility home and they've been taken care of.
Other than that, not much to report from Kirkuk. He says the food is good, it's about a 40 step walk to the port-o-let, or another 100 ft to a bank of showers and toilets. So, not the picture of modern convenience, but he said it's not bad. It's a 2 minute walk to the shack he works in from his living quarters, and a bus or humvee ride to the dining facility.
That's about it for his news, just busy, busy, busy.
I've been working, and keeping myself occupied after work with Army spouse stuff, rearranging our furniture, etc. Also, starting today, I'm Walk To Iraq and Back! (Figuratively)
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 1:24 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Settling In
Stephen called today to give me the 4-1-1 on the sitch in Kirkuk. He's apparently living in some sort of detention center/jail. He's got his own room, and there is one bathroom that 9 of them will share. There is another one in a "shower trailer" outside or down the street or something.
He is starting to settle in, and worked a 12.5 hr day today. He expects he will be working a lot, long hours and long days. He said he and his group of 7 will do the work of the departing group of 16. I guess that means he won't be sitting around bored as he feared.
I expect to get a mailing address soon, and I'll pass that along.
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
In My Bag o Tricks
So, it's been over a week. I've been thinking about this post for several days. At the end you will likely say "that doesn't seem like a post that should have taken several days to come up with!" And really it isn't that I was trying to think of it. It was that I've been thinking I should probably post something, and this is what the next one will be...
A list of things that a spouse of a deployed Soldier should have to get through it. For me, it goes without saying (but I'm saying it anyway) an incredible support system of friends and family who are checking in on me and letting me know they care for me, are there for me, and will do whatever they can to make it better. This alone makes me feel safe and secure. The following list helps to keep me sane.
1. A Plan
My plan for this year is to lose weight. Yes, I know that is my plan for every year. But this year is going to be different. Yes, I know I say that every year. But this year I'm not having cookies or chips or coke in the house. And this year I've got the treadmill taking up half the living room and looking all out of place in there. And this year....I'm GOING TO HAWAII!! oh yeah.
So, while I allowed myself to wallow in his leaving for the first weekend (that quickly morphed into the first week), I'm on track. Working out, eating right, drinking water.
2. Plans
It's important to stay busy. I have plans to go places, to do things, to stay involved. I'm going to get a very detailed planner and fill it up. Again, yes, I know I always do this. But it's a concious effort this time. And I intend to plan to have no plans sometimes. Because one must strike a balance between busyness (<--is that right?) and downtime. Sometimes my plan for the evening is a couple glasses of wine and all the DVRd episodes of Criminal Minds. Yes, that IS a plan! Part of staying busy is just routine. Going to work everyday, going to the gym, having a regular routine passes the time better than anything else I know. But I don't just want to pass the time; I don't want to just lose a year. It's a year without my husband, but it's still a year of my life. So along with regular routine stuff, I'm trying to add in things that I don't or won't do when he is here. Like movies he'd have no interest in seeing, eating chinese food and seafood and that type of thing.
3. Wine
All the spouses I know have wine. This is not to say that they are drinking a bottle a night. Please do not send me a list of local AA meetings. #4 will keep the wine consumption in check. It is nice, though to curl up on the couch with a glass of sweet red and the remote. And/or the cat.
4. Battle buddies
I think this sounds silly. When a Soldier goes into combat, he/she always has a battle buddy who has got his/her back, who can be counted upon to bring him/her home safely. People often say the same about spouses. It is true, it's just the term I think is silly. But the sentiment is true. I have some friends here on post who are going through the same thing I am. If I'm having a rough time of it, one of them is not right now and can smooth things out some. Or can let me be or bring me a glass of wine or take me to eat mexican food (and then walk it off with me!) "They" say you should have A battle buddy, but I think you need several. I have one I went to high school with. We aren't super close and actually had not spoken since 1988 until we realized we were going to be stationed together, we do come from the same place. I have several whose husbands (in the unit I work for) left and will return 6 months prior to mine. They are all going on mid tour leave right now, so that's helping me look forward to our R&R leave. It will be difficult when this unit returns and I still have 6 months to go, but that's the cycle. Then I have a couple whose husband's are with mine. So on any given day at least one of them will be having an okay time of it and can pull me out of a slump or vice versa.
5. Information/Resources
The Army is pretty good about providing spouses with information and/or resources for whatever situation may arise. Red Cross, Legal Assistance, Rear Detachment contacts, counseling services, classes, etc., If you can't find help, you aren't looking very hard.
I guess that's about it. I think it's a pretty valuable set of tools. or tricks. or treats. OK...I'm going before I get too corny. mmmm, candy corn!
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 11:23 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Big Plans
Today I had some big plans! I'm going to rearrange the livingroom and get the treadmill in there so that I can watch all the shows I've recorded and not feel guilty about it because I'm exercising, I said. I could watch tv in the guestroom where it was, but then I had to settle for whatever was on tv at the time, I reasoned.
SO, I cleaned the kitchen, both bathrooms, the bedrooms and finally the livingroom. I got everything how I wanted it and then brought in the treadmill. Well, it's too big! It blocks the tv from all but two possible places to sit. And those are not my favorite places.
I must figure out a better plan. Maybe I'll do that sometime this week. The good news is that kitty has new toys!
2 receipts, 3 bottle lids, 2 golf tees and the jack-n-the-box head! woohoo!! :)
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Very Best
I have the absolute very best. I have the best family. And that's immediate, extended and inlaw. I have the best friends including those close to my heart but far from my home, those new in my life and nearby my house, and some I haven't seen in a long long time. I have the best cat. Even when she scratches me.
I've gotten text messages, phone calls, emails, facebook messages*, kind words and invitations to dinner, movies, visits, drinks, etc., and so many thoughts and prayers that I can honestly say I can feel them.
I'm so so thankful and feel so blessed with those in my life who will keep me afloat.
* - Speaking of Facebook, I think everyone reading this has likely heard my stand on deployment info posted there, but just to be sure...I'm not, and ask you not to put anything on the wall about this deployment, him being gone, etc. I have friends with husbands deployed who do, and that's their choice. I just don't want to put it out there in that forum. Thanks!
OK, time to go about the business of Saturday!
Posted by Heather and Stephen at 8:09 AM 0 comments