I cannot fathom that it's only been 27 days. And at the same time, I'm already getting tired of that photo-a-day great idea I thought I had 27 days ago. I'm not tired of doing it. I'm tired of Stephen not looking at them. In his defense, he didn't have his computer until today (and I don't know if it is connected and working yet) and he's been working 7 days a week from about 7 or 8am to 9 or 10pm. That's too much. So I get it that he doesn't have the time or energy to borrow someone's computer to look to see a photo of the cat, a sunrise, or whatever funny, cute, or interesting random thing I felt photoworthy on any given day.
So, I've stopped sending them. I'm going to start sending them weekly, at least until he is up and running and requests that they be changed back to daily deliveries. I'll be sending them by posting them here because I think that is easier for him to look at than downloading each and every one. Why didn't I think of that sooner? Oh, that's right. It IS sooner. It's only been 27 days.
Tired, fat kitty boo (10.22)
Me with Chris and Mary's cat Alex, who is not interested in cooperating in the photo shoot. (10.23)

New sandwich maker! (10.24)

Beautiful sunrise (10.25)

New egg pan that I dearly love. Look how cute it makes the eggs stay small enough for the bread. AND I can flip it! (10.26)

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