Sunday, April 29, 2007

Odds and Ends

I'm trying to post more often...since I got busted out for posting "once a week"! :-P

So I was thinking...what is there to write about today? I decided this would just be a random collection of goings on.

I cannot believe it is practically May. It really does seem like New Years at Malibu Club in Burstadt was just a few weeks ago.

We had dinner last night at Rebecca and Jack's. Rebecca is the FRSA for 7th Signal Brigade, and she invited us over. It was a nice time. And dEElicious lasagna, bruchetta, salad, wine and pie! I have decided to not make any more friends while I'm here because the leaving is already hard! I'm mostly joking about the not making any more friends, but Rebecca leaves 6/10, Bernadette leaves 6/30. Then Marisa and Adrienne and I will be here another year, then Marisa leave 1/09, and we go (hopefully!) 8/09. Adrienne is here through the end of 09. Saying goodbye to our friends and family was so much harder, but this isn't easy either!

Next weekend is the Signal Ball!! I got a dress already, and I feel like we are going to Army Prom! The funny thing is that I thought if we went to a Ball it would be with Stephen's unit. But this is my people. :) Since I work for a Signal unit, I'm invited. Look for pics of that week after next.

We are really enjoying our on post church. We both kind of avoided it for a while for reasons I'm still not sure of. I guess we didn't really want the people we work with, shop with, etc to be all in our business. But it isn't like that. People are friendly, but not intrusive; caring, but not in your face; and no one said, "how long have you been here? and you are JUST NOW coming to church?" It is a great mixture of traditional hymns and elements as well as contemporary music and interactive worship. Next weekend (the day after the ball) we are going on a river cruise with the congregation! I think that will be really fun! Mostly, though, we just really enjoy Chaplain S and his preaching/teaching style.

I guess that's about it for today. Have a wonderful day!!

Random pic o the day! This is Stephen last weekend. He was sleepy and having allery issues.


Daddy and Kabbage said...

Hi sweety,

I'm in no position to nag about how often you post give how seldom I write. But I do love it whenever you do write something. It doesn't matter so much the content, it just makes me feel better to be in touch. I do so love you.

BTW, in the interest of equality and all, shouldn't Stephen write a word or two too? Just teasing buddy! We love you too and we love you being in Heather's life.
dad and kab