I'm trying to post more often...since I got busted out for posting "once a week"! :-P
So I was thinking...what is there to write about today? I decided this would just be a random collection of goings on.
I cannot believe it is practically May. It really does seem like New Years at Malibu Club in Burstadt was just a few weeks ago.
We had dinner last night at Rebecca and Jack's. Rebecca is the FRSA for 7th Signal Brigade, and she invited us over. It was a nice time. And dEElicious lasagna, bruchetta, salad, wine and pie! I have decided to not make any more friends while I'm here because the leaving is already hard! I'm mostly joking about the not making any more friends, but Rebecca leaves 6/10, Bernadette leaves 6/30. Then Marisa and Adrienne and I will be here another year, then Marisa leave 1/09, and we go (hopefully!) 8/09. Adrienne is here through the end of 09. Saying goodbye to our friends and family was so much harder, but this isn't easy either!
Next weekend is the Signal Ball!! I got a dress already, and I feel like we are going to Army Prom! The funny thing is that I thought if we went to a Ball it would be with Stephen's unit. But this is my people. :) Since I work for a Signal unit, I'm invited. Look for pics of that week after next.
We are really enjoying our on post church. We both kind of avoided it for a while for reasons I'm still not sure of. I guess we didn't really want the people we work with, shop with, etc to be all in our business. But it isn't like that. People are friendly, but not intrusive; caring, but not in your face; and no one said, "how long have you been here? and you are JUST NOW coming to church?" It is a great mixture of traditional hymns and elements as well as contemporary music and interactive worship. Next weekend (the day after the ball) we are going on a river cruise with the congregation! I think that will be really fun! Mostly, though, we just really enjoy Chaplain S and his preaching/teaching style. 

I guess that's about it for today. Have a wonderful day!!
Random pic o the day! This is Stephen last weekend. He was sleepy and having allery issues.
Hi sweety,
I'm in no position to nag about how often you post give how seldom I write. But I do love it whenever you do write something. It doesn't matter so much the content, it just makes me feel better to be in touch. I do so love you.
BTW, in the interest of equality and all, shouldn't Stephen write a word or two too? Just teasing buddy! We love you too and we love you being in Heather's life.
dad and kab
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