Monday, April 9, 2007

Training Holi-daze

The Monday following Easter Sunday, all the soldiers are off work, just me and the Staff Duty guys across the hall. I heard them watching movies Friday, so today, I brought Bill Cosby, Himself DVD! I can listen to it and semi-work at the same time. I have completed my slides for the Command and Staff tomorrow, and put together hand outs for the commanders and 1SGs "FRG Funding for Dummies". It's pretty cute.

Your tax dollars at work! :)


Heather and Stephen said...

checking commentability.

Anonymous said...

ok, this doesn't have anything to do with your blog...who are those GIANT kids on Kimberly's blog? didn't she JUST have Allison???

Heather and Stephen said...

You'd think! Yes, that's Aaron and Allison!

Kim said...

I like the new blog!

Kris said...

You look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hola from the states and a hug from me!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are doing so great! Many hugs and kisses!!!

Heather and Stephen said...

Kris! I had to read your profile to be sure that was you! Congrats on the new baby!!!! :) you got a blog? hugs~h