Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The NFL Europe World Bowl

Braving rain and chilly weather, we went to the NFL Europa World Bowl! It was a lot of fun, and with umbrella in hand and long sleeves/jackets, we stayed relatively dry and warm! :)

Click for pics!


Kim said...

That looks like so much fun! Those weren't bad seats either. Not that you could count the freckles on the players, but i'm sure for seeing the action it was great! Congrats on the anniversary. I can't wait to see you guys!!!!!

Metalcoconut said...

Hey, I finally got a Gmail account so I can leave comments. A group of us might be going to see the Jets at Dallas on Thanksgiving day. Looks like you are having fun. Parts of Austin look like Venice right now and I guess Marble Falls will just give up soon and build houses on stilts.