Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Festival 2008

We did it! Put on a Fall Festival, had a great turn out, no rain until we were just about out of food anyway, and I think a good time was had by all! A few pics:

Burge's twins

How cute are these three? There are 4, but one didn't make it back from a trip to the states in time for the fest. One of the grandmothers made all the skirts!

Kwood's boys

44th little ones and moms

Sunflower baby!

Me and Marisa's sister Anna who is visiting from the states

Princess making spider cookie craft

Megan paints faces

That's a messy cupcake!

Storm Troopers and Vadar HIT OF THE NIGHT!


carrmomma said...

Can we get a full shot of you in your costume please??? And how 'bout SB - where is his costume???

Heather and Stephen said...

I'll have to ask around and see if anyone got a pic of the whole thing. you're just missing the shoes. which are also funny. He didn't dress up. He came and showed his support, but had school stuff to do, and no time for costumes, had tests in Frankfurt that morning... :( He's not a dresser upper anyway.