Saturday, October 18, 2008

San Benito Tacos!

I know this sounds crazy (maybe it should have been on my 7 quirky list?) but I'm 38 and before this, I had never fried a corn tortilla. Well, not in my very own kitchen. I may have turned one or two at my aunt/uncle/cousins house in San Benito. So I've been dreaming of a tortilla burger for quite some time, but since the commissary doesn't sell flat (tostada style) tortillas, I had to fry up my own. Just to see if I could, I made tacos/tostadas first so that we'd have a back up for dinner, as we had flour tortillas in the frige. The result was a flashback to many a summer in San Benito. I even had to get out the ketchup, because that's how we eat 'em there! yeah, that freaked SB out a little bit, but he got passed it. :)

The elements.
Golden goodness.
mmm, combo tostada!
Stephen's double decker.
at the table.


Question for Paulette and/or Kimberly and/or KK: The taco shells were a little bit rubbery. What did I do wrong? SB thinks they needed a little longer in the pan. ??


Kris said...

OMGOSH! I remember making thoe in college with Paulette and who else was there Kimmy??? They were so good but so messy to make! It took forever but was well worth the wait.

When you titled the post San Benito Tacos I imm. thought breakfast tacos..."ONE POTATO TACO!!!"" That is for K and KK

Heather and Stephen said...

That's El Patos!

Anonymous said...

Good for you proud of you and they looked delicious! As far as the tortillas being rubbery, you could have probably cooked them a little longer to be crispier. There really isnt anything like fresh tortillias from the factory.

Anonymous said...

hotter oil, maybe.

for a bit there, I thought maybe i was looking at greg's blog.
great job photographing your food.
food doesn't sit long enough here to be photographed. that that it's pretty enough, or anything.

CG said...

These look great! So good that I am thinking I should go make tortilla burgers right now. I have never done the flour & corn tortilla combo as pictured here. I will try it one day when I have some Ninfa's tortillas to start with. As for the rubberiness- 2 things. Fry them longer, and move them less. Wait a while to flip them- til they're nice and crispy on the first side. Flipping them over and over again makes them more rubbery, and makes the overall fry time longer. It also uses more oil.

Kim said...

Mmmmm, looks tasty! I love freshly fried corn tortillas. I will cut them into quarters and fry them and have chips! Have to make sure you salt them before they cool though. And I agree with the rest that maybe a little longer in hotter oil would be helpful for the chewy issue.

Medium Rare Please: said...

Yeah- what Cara said on the fry 'em just right question. That looks like something we'd have around here, and probably will before the week is up...