Friday, October 31, 2008

"Süßes oder Saures"

I'm not taking pictures because it isn't so polite to take photographs of people you don't know here. But I just have to say that while I'm not huge into Halloween (I know, the posts below suggest differently, but that's all part of my job) this has been one of my favorite things about being in Germany.
Trick or Treating, and Halloween as a "holiday" is a new concept here. Not all neighborhoods do it, but they do it here in Bürstadt, and it is so fun! We ran out of candy very quickly the first year, not for a while last year, and I do not expect to run out this year. The kids are so cute. They make their own costumes, like we did as kids. Well, I guess their parents make them, but what I mean is that there aren't a lot of store bought ones.
Oh, and when I went to get my clown costume, the lady asked if I was going to a German or American party. I said American. She said, "oh, then you can be anything you want!" And then proceeded to tell me how here they don't do that. They are all "wampires or vitches" (heehee) because you know their Vs are Ws and wise wersa! hahahaha! I'm so funny.
Also, SB got home JUST as the first PACK (of about 12 kids) were getting their share of the "sweets or sours", and one asked if that was his costume. His uniform. And then another thought he was the Polezi (German police). The ones who know that we are Americans before they ever set foot on the porch are very careful with the Thank You, enunciating it clearly, practicing their English.
too cute. This I might miss.


carrmomma said...

Last Halloween in Germany, my friend. I can't wait for you to be here next year. The US that is.
love love ~kc

Anonymous said...

This template is cute with the flowers and the wrinkly paper.

Amy J. said...

Love the new layout - so pretty! I'm gonna copy, 'kay?