This is a tough one for me. Photos don't generally make me sad. Well, yeah, an image of a starving child or a seal being eaten by a shark (ala Shark Week!) or a sea bird covered in oil make make me angry or sad. But not photos I take.
Not ones of the husband I miss so much or of loved ones I've lost or people I miss. I choose to see those as pictures that make me happy because they give me a captured moment of happiness or good times. Even the one of him leaving on the bus makes me smile because he is smiling and we both have the "we can do this" face on.

A couple of months down the road I was sad, though, and I took a picture of it. So rather than a picture that makes me sad, here is one of me being sad. It was after hearing the much hated skype "end call" sound. I decided to crop all but the eyes. I don't know why. I just did.

Sad, yes...but your eyelashes look fabulous!
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