Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day Six - Twenty of my Favorite Things

Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things – Believe it or not, this was kind of hard. I didn't want them to all be food! And I didn't want to name people or songs or movies or whatever. So I just thought of stuff I like. Here's what I came up with:

1. family

2. friends

3. country music

4. cake (buttercream icing! Not that whipped mess)

5. cheesecake

6. Texas

7. Flowers (Indian Blankets bluebonnets and Blue Hydrangeas. Not necessarily together)

8. jeans

9. pictures of feet (not gross ones, nice toes)

10. St Augustine grass

11. a pedicure

12. a massage

13. Polish Pottery

14. Skype

15. sunshine

16. girlfriend days

17. coffee from the Phillips 66 at ext 299 I-70

18. a kitty that fetches a bottlecap

19. a good hair day

20. redeployment!

These are a few of my favorite thiiiiiings!


Anonymous said...

Did you do tomorrow's tonight?

Heather and Stephen said...

Girl, you know I'm ahead by like 10 days! I can't help it!!!