Friday, January 16, 2009


Stephen just received this coin yesterday from COL Malcom from American Forces Network. He was giving training to the Soldiers there, and COL Malcom was SO impressed. It was one hour of training and the COL just went on and on about how it was the best training he had ever received! Then, at the New Years Reception last night he bragged all about Stephen to me! He said that what is normally an hour that drags on and is torture, was fun, entertaining and engaging. I was gracious and thanked him for sharing the praise with me, but was thinking to myself, "he is fun, entertaining and engaging with me all the time!" :) yaye, Stephen.


carrmomma said...

Yaye! Way to go TB. Isn't something when a skinny kid from Alvin grows up to be a pretty cool guy??? :)

Now I've gotta get myself to Germany and charm the pants off of some folks so I can get me one of those coins. hee hee

Oh - and can you post the homecoming picture on your blog already?!?!?!?

Amy J. said...

Yeah, isn't it strange to realize that not everyone knows that SB is fun, entertaining and engaging all the time, and that it's a refreshing change for them when they do realize it?!? WTG, SB!! Proud of you!