Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Yaye Zappos!!

I ordered some shoes from Zappos.com, and they came in today! Brilliant shoe photographer Stephen B took these shots of my brand new shoes!

And we had fajitas from the grill the other night. Stephen made them, and the homemade pico on top. It was DELISH! I heated those beans in the microwave! :)


Anonymous said...

love the black ones! the plaid ones...not so much.
i'm sure your beans were amazing. we have decided never to attempt grilling again.

carrmomma said...

I am thinking (and I am sure that others might agree) that if you would forgo all shoe shopping that you could come home faster and longer. Of course, you'd hafta come home barefoot, but that'd be okay! :)

Love all of the shoes. Funny about the plaid boat shoes, I've seen quite a few people wearing them these days.

Kim said...

I LOVE the boat shoes! They're cute! But i'm not so much of a fashion buff, so I wouldn't trust me :)

Heather and Stephen said...

CGB-what happened to turn you against grilling?
KC-My FAVORITE Memphistos finally gave out. I HAD to get some shoes! :) But I'll be there in a month!
KJ-I'm no fashion buff either! These days its all about comfort

Amy J. said...

I love them all! Especially the 2nd ones. Beautiful toes, too by the way!

CG said...

I like the flops best. So was your reason for getting a job so you could buy a whole wardrobes worth of shoes all at one time? Does Zappos ship free to Germany like they do in the US? Those fajitas look good. Can I make a suggestion? Fill the frame with your subject (or download a free photo editor and crop them). That is why people always think our food looks so good!

Heather and Stephen said...

Zappos ships free overnight only to the continental US. and I'd have had to buy the shoes, job or not. I haven't bought sandals, tennis shoes, dress shoes, any shoes except the ones for the wedding and the signal ball since 2005. The ones that gave out I've had and worn daily for several years.
Food photos: Cara, yours look great because your food looks great!! :) I'll get closer in next time, probably will not ever crop/doctor photos...just lazy like that!